
From This Might Be A Wiki

I saw TMBG on March 8th of 2023 in Raleigh NC. At one point towards the end of the show John F started seemingly improvising a song for which the lyrics went something like this: You there with the very nice beard, Thank you for coming to our show. You sir, over there, with the very nice beard, thank you for coming to our show. You don’t have to have a beard to have a friend, But you have to have a beard to be friends with They Might Be Giants In short it was hilarious and delightful and I have been trying desperately to find a video of it. I doubt this was the only show it happened during, but even if it was there had to be at least one person who recorded that moment. If anyone knows where to find a recording of this, or remembers more of the lyrics, or honestly, anything related to this, please let me know. It was really great and I want more people to see, or at the very least know about it.

Was it to the same tune as Thank You For Coming To Our Show? TitanicFog (talk) 00:31, 5 May 2024 (EDT)