Talk:Certain People I Could Name (Demo)
From This Might Be A Wiki
drum machine[edit]
i just noticed that the drum machine in this demo is almost definitely the yamaha rx11, which they only had used in dubway studios for the lincoln sessions (as heard in the rough mixes.) this might just mean that this demo is from around that point. --Rolandjuno60 (talk) 15:48, 14 December 2024 (EST)
- it's weird... im kind of skeptical it'd be from dubway since there isn't any precedent for it being done before the Factory Showroom sessions beside the home demo from the tape, but i also don't think either of the johns ever owned the rx11 (all the demos that use a yamaha drum machine are the rx15 since i think they couldn't get their hands on the 11 at the time) + all the other 1999 tape stuff dates back to 1996 at least. the fact it uses the 11 is a little weird to me though, could be that he borrowed it from someone or wherever he did this had their hands on one. it's a cool tidbit though! --Personnamedrose (talk) 15:53, 14 December 2024 (EST)
- Definitely not from the Lincoln era. 1995 at the earliest. TitanicFog (talk) 15:57, 14 December 2024 (EST)