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They Might Be Giants
— with 5 Fish opening —
The Pyramid Club in New York, NY
December 28, 1985 at 1:00 AM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
The Pyramid Club's press release for the show:
According to a recent Spin Magazine article, They Might Be Giants aim to derange. The two Johns (Linnell, on pearl inlaid accordion, and Flansburgh on Japanese Strat) 'yuk-yuk it up with monster mitts of papier-mâché, fence with loaves of French bread, lead sing-alongs with oversized cue cards, and trade repartee with wisecrackers in the peanut gallery. Watching Linnell pup an accordion any Armenian wedding band would envy and Flansburgh gyrate and wobble like some Gumby left too long in the sun, one can only conclude this band is "original." Mark Dery, Spin, December 1985.