Shoehorn With Teeth (Rough Mix)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Shoehorn with Teeth
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased, Roughs From 2nd LP
year 1988
run time 1:10
sung by John Flansburgh (first verse alone), John Linnell (second verse alone)


  • This rough mix is only slightly different to the final song. The vocals have a lot more reverb, compared to the very dry vocals of the final mix. The instruments also sound brighter and are differently panned.
  • All the instruments and vocals are identical to those in the final song. The only variation is in the accordion — in the final mix it plays through the entire song, but here it doesn't come in until the end of the second verse.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Death, Furniture, Music, Questions, Swing Feel, Title Not In Lyrics, Transportation


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