Rhyming Dictionary
From This Might Be A Wiki
Home of the They Might Be Giants Rhyming Dictionary.
This inane project seeks to build a TMBG-specific rhyming dictionary. Feel free to add your own entries to this page.
- Aaaah: all
- about: out
- above: glove, shove
- acts: back
- addiction: conniption, description, prediction, prescription, subscription
- address: confess, depressed, guessed, mess
- aden: glaben, staben
- adore: door
- advice: eyes
- afternoon: too
- again: hand, ma'am, man, spent, then, twisting, wind
- air: chair, hair, nowhere, stair, there, care
- again: ten, twin
- aging: daydream
- agree: me
- agreed: need
- aground: around
- ahead: bed, said
- akimbo: window, big toe
- all: Aaaah, fall, stall, wall
- alone: know, own, phone, telephone
- along: long, song, wrong
- amigo: row, show
- ancestry: free, me
- ankle: encircle
- Ann: Dan
- annex the land: Mexicans, command
- anybody: me, need, see
- anything: everything, framed, free, same
- apart: heart, part, start
- ape: escape
- appealing: ceiling, feeling
- appetite: pie
- appointments: disappointment
- apply: why
- are, O: know, sparrow, tomorrow
- Argonauts: job, lot
- arm: cigar, heart, nonchalant, palm
- around: aground, down, drowned, found, ground, Saturn-bound, sound, town
- arrives: tight
- arrow: blow, go, sombrero, window
- As-tor-I-A: gay, play
- aside: mind
- association: corporation
- astronaut: taught
- attack: fallback, rack, Sleestak
- attended: mended
- au contraire: bon frere, mon frere, square, hair, there, declare
- austere: dear, fear, severe
- awake: break, lake
- away: day, DJ, laid, say, stay, today, way
- back: acts, black, crack, kleptomaniacs, neck, pack, smack, track
- bad: dad
- ball: doll, folderol, gull
- ballistic: realistic, sadistic
- band: demand, land, man, plans, van
- bank: tank, thank
- bar: tar
- bashes: crashes, smashes
- basket: casket
- bat: cat, hat, that
- be: free, inquiry, me, octofee, pharmacy, sea, see
- be like this: genius, mysterious
- beak: speak
- bean: machine, scene
- bear: stair, there, wear
- beard: ear, fear, weird
- bed: ahead, dead, head, said
- bee: be, me, tree
- been: WLSD
- beer: pear
- beeswax: Sleekstaks
- before: shore, more
- began: hand
- begin: twin
- behind: declined, mind, resigned, spine
- beliefs: teeth
- bells: tell, well
- belongs: wall
- Berlin: in
- better: letters
- beyond: pond
- biology: geology
- bitch: rich
- black(s): back, wax
- blind: mind
- blow: arrow, go, hello, window, so
- blubba:hubba, otha
- blue(s): bruise, booze, two
- body: shoddy
- bold: old
- bomb: mom
- bone: clone, drone, home, megaphone, stone
- bon frere: au contraire, mon frere, declare, hair, square
- bonnet: on it
- bop: York
- book: crook
- booze: bruise
- boredom: whoredom
- bottom: sternum
- box: flowerpot, got, rocks
- brain(s): explain, rain, remain, train(s), veins
- brave: slave
- break: take
- bright: light
- bringing: dropping, ringing, singing, walking, washing
- break: awake
- broke: joke
- brontosaurus: ignore us, chorus, porous
- broom: room, servitude
- bruise: blues, booze
- brush: rush
- bubble: trouble
- building: thing
- bunny: money
- burn: return, turn
- buy: behind
- by: hi-fi
- Cadillac: lack
- call: wall
- called: paw
- can: man, pan
- candidate: split
- Cap'm: happen, laughing
- car: dark, far, guitar, star, start, yard
- care: air
- caribou: shrew
- cars: guitars, Mars
- casket: basket
- cat: bat, mat
- ceiling: appealing, feeling
- cell: hell
- chain: again, estranged, pain
- chair: air, hair, nowhere, stair, there
- chalk: walk
- change: octoflange
- chat: hat
- chest: confess, impressed
- chimp: shrimp
- choice: voice
- cigar: arm
- cigarette: epaulets
- city: me, pretty, Hickey, see
- clamdem: tandem, landem
- class: glass, pass
- clay: day, say
- clone: bone, drone, home
- clothes: goes, know, toes, rose
- coat: notes
- cold: growth
- collapse: match
- collide: satisfied
- combine: kind
- combusted: dusted, incrusted, rusted
- comes: done, gun, won
- command: man, skin, annex the land, Mexicans
- company: me
- comprehension: reinvention
- concentration: conversatin'
- confess: address, chest, guessed, impressed, mess
- conniption: addiction, description, prediction, prescription, subscription
- conversatin': concentration
- cop: stop
- core: store
- corporation: association
- cow: now
- crack: back
- crashes: bashes, smashes
- crawl: tall
- crazy: maybe, lady
- crime: time
- crook: book
- crud: mud
- cry: eyes, lie
- crying: flying
- cut: shut
- dad: bad
- damn: sand
- Dan: Ann, band
- dance: pants, trance
- dark: car, park, start
- day: away, clay, hay, hey, lay, okay, pay, say, stay, way
- daydream: aging
- dead: bed, head, said
- decide: wine
- declare: au contraire, bon frere, hair, mon frere, square
- declined: behind, mind, resigned
- deforming: swarming
- demand: band
- denied: died
- depressed: address
- description: addiction, conniption, prediction, prescription, subscription
- desist: this
- destiny: victory
- dice: mice
- die: dry, eye, high, sky, socialize, I
- died: denied
- diet: try it
- ding: ring
- directions: instructions
- dirt: shirt
- disappointment: appointments
- discovering: hovering
- DJ: away
- DNA: Milky Way
- do: go, prove, through, true, use
- dock: truck
- dog: hog
- doll: ball, gull
- done: comes, gun, overcome, won
- door: adore, floor, more
- dot: spot
- double-dutch: much
- down: around, found, frown, loud, sensurround, town
- dropping: bringing, ringing, singing, walking, washing
- dream: gleam, seem, theme
- drink: sink
- drives: size
- drone: bone, clone, home
- drowned: around, surround
- dry: die, I, sky
- duck: luck
- dusted: combusted, incrusted, rusted
- dwarf: morph
- E(s): twenty, Z
- ear: beard
- effigies: knees, me, trees
- eight: great, skate
- elevators: later
- else: elves
- elves: else
- end: friend, pretend
- 'em: museum
- embrace: face
- encircle: ankle
- epaulets: cigarette
- epilogue: road
- equal: freak we'll
- erased: face
- escape: ape
- estranged: chain
- equipment: shipment
- eve: leave
- everyone: fun
- everything: framed, same, anything
- everywhere: hair, there
- evolved: sovle
- exactly: money
- exchange: strange
- explain(ing): rain(ing)
- eye(s): advice, cry, die, guy, lie, mind, size, sky, spy, why, wide, Y
- exist: list
- face: erased, embrace, place, space
- fact: react
- fall: all
- Fallback: attack, rack, Sleestak
- false: waltz
- fans: van
- fat: hat
- fear: austere, beard, dear, severe
- feeling: appealing, ceiling, healing
- feet: teeth, wheat
- fell: sell
- few: you
- fight: night
- fine: line, mine, spine, time
- fire: quagmire
- first: worse
- fixed: tricks
- flames: same
- flat: that
- floor: formed, jaws, more
- fly: lie, sky
- flying: crying
- folderol: ball, gull
- force: hoarse
- forces: horses
- fore: your
- forget: idiots, it, wet, yet
- forgot: plot, shut
- fork: spork
- formed: floor, jaws
- fortune: tortured
- forty-eight: skate
- found: around, down, ground, mound, sensurround, sound, town
- four: shore, pour, more
- fox: ox
- framed: everything, same, anything
- free: ancestry, anything, be, me
- friend: end, hand, spend, twin
- friendliness: it's
- frown: down
- fry: guy, high, lie
- fuck you: truck through
- fun: everyone
- funky: monkey
- gas: mass
- gave: repaid
- gay: As-tor-I-A, play
- genius: be like this
- geology: biology
- girl: world
- gives: live
- glaben: aden, staben
- glad: sad
- glass: class
- gleam: dream
- glove: above, shove
- go: arrow, blow, do, Ho, know, show, window
- goal: Mexico
- goes: clothes, knows, toes
- godforsaken: window-shaking
- gone: lawn, on
- good: understood
- got: box, hot, not
- grave: say, wave
- great: late, eight
- green: machine
- ground: around, found, Saturn-bound, sound, town, upside-down
- grow: know
- growth: cold
- guess(ed): address, confess, mess, tests
- guitar: car, hard, sir, star
- guitars: cars, Mars
- gull: ball, doll, folderol
- gum: some
- gun: comes, done, won
- guy: eye, fry, high, lie, testified
- hair: air, au contraire, chair, everywhere, nowhere, stair, stare, there
- hand: again, began, friend, land, ma'am, man, stand, understand
- happen: Cap'm, napkin
- happiness: miss
- hard: guitar
- hat: bats, chat, fat, that
- hate: made
- hay: day, lay, pay
- he: me
- head: bed, dead, said
- headfo: info, moto
- headquarters: orders
- healing: feeling
- heard: word
- hearing: repeating
- heart: arm, part, start
- heat: wheat
- hell: cell
- hello: blow, so
- help: scalp
- her: trailer
- here: souvenir
- hey: day
- Hickey: city
- hide: inside
- hi-fi: by
- high: die, eye, guy, fry lie, sky
- Highness: shyness
- him: twin
- history: mystery
- hit: it
- Ho: go
- hoarse: force
- hog: dog
- home: bone, clone, drone, road
- hoop: loop
- hope: rope
- horses: forces
- hot: got, not
- hour: shower
- hovering: discovering
- how: now
- hubba: blubba, otha
- hump: stump
- I: dry, side
- ideas: I is
- idiots: forget
- ills: pills
- impressed: chest, confess, request
- in: Berlin, skeleton, skin
- incrusted: combusted, dusted, rusted
- infinite: symphonette
- info: headfo, moto
- injury: me, phrenology
- inquiry: be, me, see
- inscribed: Y
- insane: thing
- inside: hide, ride, wide
- instructions: directions
- is: ideas
- it: bonnet, diet, forget, hit, pit, wet, yet
- it's: friendliness
- jail: tale
- jaws: floors, formed
- jerk: work
- job: Argonauts, lot
- joke: broke
- juice: moose, tooth
- junk: trunk
- justified: suicide
- kill: will
- killed: milk
- kin: lichens
- kind: combine, mind
- kiss: this
- kleptomaniacs: back
- knee: effigies, me, trees
- know(s): alone, are O, clothes, go, goes, grow, so, sparrow, tomorrow, trombones
- lack: Cadillac
- lady: maybe, crazy
- laid: away
- lake: awake
- lamé: toupee
- land: band, hand, plan, understand
- landem: clamdem, tandem
- late: great
- later: elevaters
- laughing: Cap'm
- lawn: gone, on
- lay: day, hay, pay
- leave: eve
- letters: better
- lever: together
- lichens: kin
- lie: eye, cry, guy, fly, fry, high, sky
- life: strife, wife
- light: bright, night
- like: strike
- line: fine, mind, spine, time
- list: exist
- L-I-T-E: me, vigilantly
- live: gives
- load o': quota
- lock: shock
- long: along, song, wrong
- loop: hoop
- lot: Argonauts, job
- loud: down
- love-in: Pupkin
- luck: duck
- ma'am: again, hand
- machine: bean, green, scene
- made: hate, parade
- magazine: ring
- makes: snakes
- man: again, band, can, command, hand, said, sand, skin, stand, understand
- Mars: cars, guitars
- mass: gas
- match: collapse
- may: repaid, today, way
- maybe: crazy, lady
- me: agree, ancestry, anybody, be, bee, city, company, free, he, injury, inquiry, L-I-T-E, necessary, need, phrenology, pretty, quarterly, see, simile, something, telepathically, tree, TV, vigilantly
- men: oxygen, pants
- meadow: sombrero, window
- mean: screen
- meet: street
- megaphone: bone
- mended: attended
- mess: address, confess, guessed, worthless
- met: wreck
- métier: today
- Mexicans: annex the land, command
- Mexico: goal
- miasma: plasma
- mice: dice
- milk: killed
- millionaire: silverware
- mind: aside, behind, blind, eye, declined, kind, line, resigned, spine, spy, time, try, unkind, why, Y
- mine: fine, shine
- miss: happiness, obvious
- mom: bomb
- mon frere: au contraire, bon frere, declare, hair, there, square
- money: bunny, exactly
- moon: room
- moose: juice
- mooky: spooky, trooky
- more: door, sure, shore, pour, four
- morph: dwarf
- moto: headfo, info
- mound: down, found, town
- much: double-dutch
- mud: crud, scrubbed
- museum: 'em
- myself: shelf
- mystery: history, sea
- mysterious: be like this
- nails: tail
- name: same
- napkin: happen
- nationwide: size
- neck: back
- need: agreed, anybody, me
- negotiating: waiting
- neighborhood: wood
- never-shut: Quonset hut
- new: shoes, true, you
- nice: twice
- night: fight, light, sight
- noise: voice
- nonchalant: arm
- not: got, hot, pot
- notes: coat
- now: cow, how, meow
- nowhere: air, chair, hair, stair, there
- obey: say, today
- obvious: miss
- octofee: be
- octoflange: change
- of: stump
- okay: day, say
- old: bold
- on: lawn, gone, wrong
- one: son
- only: poetry
- orange: door hinge
- Orr: scores
- otha: blubba, hubba
- out: about, shout, town
- orders: headquarters
- overcome: done
- overhead: said
- overture: torture
- overturned: spurned
- own: alone
- ox: fox
- oxygen: men
- pack: back
- pan: can
- pain: again, chain, rain, veins
- painter: stare
- palm: arm
- pants: dance, men
- parade: made, afraid, paid
- park: dark
- part: apart, start, heart
- pass: class
- pay: day, hay, lay
- pealing: revealing
- pear: beer
- people: vehicle
- person: worsen
- pharmacy: want to be
- phone: alone, throne
- phrenology: injury, me
- pie: appetite
- piece of: pizza
- pills: ills
- pizza: piece of
- pit: it
- place: face, space
- plan: land, stand, understands
- play: As-tor-I-A, gay
- plot: forgot
- poetry: only
- pond: beyond
- pop: stop
- pour: shore, more, four
- pot: not
- prediction: addiction, conniption, description, prescription, subscription
- prescription: addiction, conniption, description, prediction, subscription
- pretend: end, understand
- pretty: city, me, see
- prey: tragedy
- production: suction
- prove: do
- Pupkin: love-in
- Q: W
- quagmire: fire
- quarterly: me
- question: tests and
- quit: this
- Quonset hut: never-shut
- quota: load o'
- rack: attack, fallback, Sleestack
- rain: brain, insane, pain
- ramble: scramble
- react: fact
- read: said
- realistic: ballistic, sadistic
- reinvention: comprehension
- relativity: theory
- remains: brains, train
- repaid: gave, may, today, way
- repeating: hearing
- request: impressed
- resigned: behind, declined, mind
- return: burned
- revealing: pealing
- rhyme: time
- rich: bitch
- ride: inside
- ring: ding, magazine, sings, thing
- ringing: bringing, dropping, singing, walking, washing
- road: epilogue, home
- room: broom, moon, you
- rope: hope
- rose: clothes
- row: amigo, show
- run: sun
- rush: brush
- rusted: combusted, dusted, incrusted
- sad: glad
- sadistic: ballistic, realistic
- safekeeping: sleeping
- sand: damn, hand, man, understand
- say: away, grave, wave
- said: ahead, bed, dead, head, man, overhead, read
- sail: trail
- same: anything, everything, flames, framed, name
- satisfied: collide
- Saturn-bound: around, ground, sound
- say: clay, day, grave, obey, wave, way
- scalp: help
- scene: bean, machine
- scorcher: torture
- score: Orr
- scramble: ramble
- scream: upstream
- screen: mean
- sea: be, me, mystery, see, silently, STP, tree
- see: anybody, be, city, inquiry, me, pretty, sea, way
- seem: dream
- sell: fell
- sensurround: found, down
- sent: tent, went
- servitude: broom
- severe: austere, dear, fear
- shelf: myself
- shine: mine
- shipment: equipment
- shirt: dirt
- shock: lock
- shoddy: body
- shoes: new, you
- shore: before, pour, more, four
- should: wood
- shout: out
- shove: above, glove
- show: amigo, go, row
- shower: hour
- shrew: caribou
- shrimp: chimp
- shut: cut, forgot
- shy: terrified
- shyness: Highness
- side: I
- sigh: sky
- sight: night
- sing: thing
- singing: bringing, dropping, ringing, walking, washing
- silently: sea, tree
- silverware: millionaire
- similie: me
- sink: drink
- sir: guitar, star
- size: drives, eyes, nationwide
- skate: forty-eight
- skin: command, in, man, twin
- skeleton: in
- sky: die, dry, eye, fly, high, lie, like, sigh
- slave: way
- sleeping: safekeeping
- Sleekstak(s): attack, beeswax, fallback, rack
- slim: synonym
- smack: back
- smashes: bashes, crashes
- small: wall
- snakes: makes
- so: blow, hello, know
- socialize: die
- solve: evolved
- sombrero: meadow, window
- some: gum
- something: me
- song: along, long, wrong
- soulmate: state
- sound: around, found, ground, Saturn-bound
- souvenir: here
- space: face, place
- sparrow: are O, know, tommorrow
- speak: beak, weak
- spend: friends
- spent: again
- spine: behind, fine, line, mind, time
- split: candidate
- spot: dot
- spooky: mooky, trooky
- spork: fork
- spurned: overturned
- spy: eye, mind, why, Y
- square: au contraire, bon frere, declare, hair, there
- staben: aden, glaben
- stair: air, bear, chair, hair, nowhere, there
- stalk: walk
- stall: all, wall
- stand: hand, man, plan
- stare: hair, painter
- star(s): car, guitar, ours, sir
- start: apart, car, part, heart
- state: soulmate
- stay: away, day
- step aside: ossified
- sternum: bottom
- still: thrill
- stop: cop, pop
- store: core
- STP: sea
- street: meet
- strife: life, knife
- strike: like
- stone: bone
- stump: hump, of, up
- subscription: addiction, conniption, description, prediction, prescription
- suction: production
- suicide: justified
- sun: run
- sure: more
- surround: drowned
- swarming: deforming
- symphonette: infinite
- synonym: slim
- tail: nails, whale
- take: break
- tale: jail
- tall: crawl
- tandem: clamdem, landem
- tank: bank
- tar: bar
- taught: astronaut
- teeth: beliefs, feet
- telepathically: me
- telephone: alone
- tell: bells, well
- ten: again
- tent: sent, went
- terrified: shy
- territory: treasury
- test: guess, rest
- test and: question
- testified: guy
- thank: bank
- that: bats, flat, hat
- theme: dream
- then: again, twin
- theory: relativity
- there: air, au contraire, bon frere, chair, declare, everywhere, hair, nowhere, stair, square
- thing(s): building, rings, sing, wings
- this: desist, kiss, quit
- thrill: still
- throne: phone
- through: do, two, you
- time: crime, fine, line, mind, rhyme, spine
- today: away, obey, may, métier repaid, way
- toes: clothes, goes
- together: lever, weather
- to: you
- too: afternoon, true, you
- tooth: juice
- top: up
- tomb: womb
- tomorrow: are O, know, sorrow, sparrow
- torture: fortune, overture, scorcher
- toupee: lamé, stay, way
- tour: world
- town: around, down, found, ground, mound, out
- track: back
- tragedy: prey
- trail: sail
- trailer: her
- train(s): brains, remains
- trance: dance
- tree: be, bees effigies, knees, me, sea, silently
- treasury: territory
- tricks: fixed
- trombones: know
- trooky: mooky, spooky
- trouble: bubble
- truck: dock, up
- truck through: fuck you
- true: do, news, too, you
- trunk: junk
- try: mind, why
- Turks: works
- turn: burn
- twenty: E
- twice: nice
- twin: again, begin, friend, him, skin, then, when
- twisting: wind, again
- two: blue, through, view
- TV: me, scene
- understand: hand, land, man, plans, pretend, sand
- understood: good
- unkind: mind
- up: stump, truck
- upside-down: ground
- upstream: scream
- use: do
- van: band, fans
- vein: brain, pain
- vehicle: people
- vestibule: best to you
- victory: destiny
- view: two
- vigilantly: L-I-T-E, me
- voice: choice, noise
- waiting: negotiating
- walk: chalk, stalk
- walking: bringing, dropping, ringing, singing, washing
- wall: all, belongs, call, small, stall
- waltz: false
- washing: bringing, dropping, ringing, singing, walking
- wave(s): caves, grave, say
- wax: blacks
- way: away, day, DNA, may, repaid, say, see, slave, today
- weak: speak
- weather: together
- weird: beard
- well: bells, tell
- went: sent, tent
- wet: forget, it, yet
- whale: tail
- wheat: feet, heat
- when: twin
- whoredom: boredom
- why: apply, eye, mind, spy, try, Y
- wide: eyes, inside
- wife: life
- will: kill
- wind: again, twisting
- window: akimbo, arrow, blow, go, meadow, sombrero
- window-shaking: godforsaken
- wine: decide
- wings: things
- WLSD: been
- womb: tomb
- won: comes, done, gun
- wood: neighborhood, should
- word(s): heard, third
- work: jerk
- works: Turks
- world: girl, overlord, tour
- worse: first
- worsen: person
- worthless: mess
- wreck: met
- wrong: along, long, on, song
- Y: eye, inscribed, mind, spy, why
- yard: car
- yay: okay
- yet: forget, it, wet
- you: few, new, room, shoes, through, to, too, true
- your: four
- Z: E's
- βγαίνει: εκεί
- πύραυλο: αυτό