Puppet Jam: Mission Control
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Mission Control |
artist | They Might Be Giants feat. Homestar Runner |
releases | Everything Else, Volume 1 |
year | 2005 |
run time | 1:06 |
sung by | Matt Chapman (as Homestar Runner) |
- This song is the "Lost Puppet Jam." A link to it showed up on the homestarrunner.com "Toons" menu from June 30, 2004 to July 5, 2004 but did not lead anywhere at that time. Then on July 8, 2005 it was released for viewing with the message on the main pages being "Lost Puppet Jam".
- Featured as "Puppet Jam" on Homestar Runner dot com.
- Apart from Linnell and Flansburgh, it also features Marty Beller on Drums, as well as Homestar (referred to as Homeslice) on Vocals.
- Homestar Runner Wiki: Puppet Jam 4
Song Themes
Non-John Vocals, Music, Puppet Jam Recordings, Space, Transportation
- Watch it on Homestar Runner
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