Olive, The Other Reindeer

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Olive, The Other Reindeer, the book

song name Olive, the Other Reindeer
artist Johnny Hart
releases Olive, The Other Reindeer (Single)
year 1997
run time 2:04
sung by John Linnell


  • Performed by John Linnell under the pseudonym "Johnny Hart". Released only on a limited edition flexi disc which accompanied promotional copies of the 1997 children's book of the same name by J. Otto Seibold & Vivian Walsh. A male deer is also known as a hart. This is probably what "Johnny"'s name is derived from.
  • This song did not appear on the soundtrack to a Christmas television special adapted from the book which aired Friday, December 17, 1999, at 8pm ET on The Fox Network.

Song Themes

Animals, Falling, Food, Friendship, Geography, Holidays, Puns, Self-Reference, Size, Weather


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Olive, The Other Reindeer is currently ranked #940 out of 1031. (16 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.01)