Nick Rocks ID

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Nick Rocks ID"
"Nick Rocks"

song name Nick Rocks Theme
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Gigantic DVD Extra
year 1988
run time 0:37
sung by John Linnell and John Flansburgh


  • Played by the band as the intro to TMBG-themed episodes of Nick Rocks.
  • Billboard, Mar. 25, 1989:
Though commonly perceived as a college-dorm fave, They Might Be Giants seems to have caught on with the under-12 demos as well, due to several guest host apperances on Nickeolodeon's music showcase, "Nick Rocks."

"Sometimes when we're doing in-store appearances, 6-year-olds will come over to meet us," says guitarist John Flansburgh. "We started out with a very art-school following, but it seems lots of people are attracted to us now."
  • John Flansburgh, 2011:
Our video director Adam Bernstein had some connections at Nickelodeon, and got us these guest spots on the popular Nick Rocks video clip show. We filmed in a pretty humble conference room and the scripts for each show [were] essentially identical to the previous—but they were happy to let us goof around. Man, I was skinny.

Song Themes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png - Footage of TMBG's first known appearance on Nick Rocks
  • Watch it on Youtube.png - Footage of TMBG's second known appearance on Nick Rocks (incomplete)

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