Michael Leviton

From This Might Be A Wiki
Michael Leviton performing alongside Leah Hayes at a show in Atlanta (Photo by Andrew Willmore)[1]

Michael Leviton is a musician and writer who opened for TMBG at most of the Beardo 2006 shows. Leviton was selected by the band themselves to be their opener.[2] His song "Summer's The Worst" appears on TMBG Podcast 5B and has been featured on Low Stakes.[3]

Michael is best known for his connection to New York City, and his involvement in the underground NYC music scene. He referred to the music off of his 2006 album "My Favorite Place to Drown" as "surf music," characterized by his use of the ukulele.[4] He would later go on to perform alongside his band the New Jerk Times.

For his shows opening for They Might Be Giants, he would play the baritone ukulele while fellow musician Leah Hayes accompanied him on the glockenspiel. These performances were warmly received, and at some of these shows, the fans would cheer for the glockenspiel similar to how the Johns would have them chant for G-L-O-ckenspiel Intro.

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