Mailing List Archive/2021-12-07
The holidays are upon us and BOOK remains your best surprise gift… even if it’s just for YOU. Download the Holidayland EP. Get better shirts!
Go to and get 20% off until sometime tomorrow morning when the robots shut it down.
Or, if you are only here for the free, get Flood Live in Australia (not on streaming sites) or the fully-updated TMBG smart phone app for FREE.
Use the discount code HAPPINESS20 and get 20% off anything you order.
Download new music from our site's “Free and Exclusive” section. Music not on streaming sites, only available directly from us, including:
The Pamphlet EP
My Murdered Remains
The John Henry Demos
Live Duo Show in Williamsburg
The Escape Team
and MORE
Not on streaming sites, just from They Might Be Giants.
They Might Be Giants' Spring Tour is almost fully sold out except for these final four shows!
Hey Ithaca –– only 19 seats remain!
Only 150 of these magnificent hats remain in its all-too-short run and even if you order now it will not arrive until after Christmas. But, for real, it’ll be worth the wait.
Use the discount code HAPPINESS20 for 20% off.
Our guts were filled with Mylanta
’til we found a chimp from Atlanta
With our woes out of the way
It’s like it’s Christmas each day
and we get to be the Santa
Copyright © 2021 They Might Be Giants, All rights reserved.
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