Mailing List Archive/2005-12-09

From This Might Be A Wiki


Download TMBG podcast right now: Streaming video just added: Bastard Wants to Hit Me from Venue Songs Free MP3 available now at : I Enjoy Being A Boy (Banana Splits cover)

Orders for Holiday delivery needed now! TMBG bundles are now available for your Xmas pleasure, including Venue Songs DVD & CD sets, but we encourage you to avoid the panic and order now at Please be aware that the Venue Songs set will go up to $20 upon the new year.

Flansburgh writes: "Ladies and gentlemen- We're very proud to announce our very first podcast is available now at To subscribe to this unique free service, follow the instructions for your platform/playback specs here - This first episode is approximately 20 minutes long and features a number of exclusive recordings and some unusual tracks we suspect you'll find interesting. The host is public radio's Duke of Dead Air - Cecil Portesque - broadcasting from a highly undisclosed, very rainy location. Future podcasts are already in the works. Please check it out, and we sincerely invite you to hip as many people you know about this show- especially you blogtopianists out there.

This week's new streaming video is one of the excellent bonus tracks off of the Venue Songs DVD - Bastard Wants to Hit Me with visuals from Laika House. Laika is producing the new Coraline film (directed by in-house genius Henry Selick) that TMBG will be creating songs for, and this video is a glimpse into their visual power. TMBG soundman and cineaste Brian Speiser has decreed this video "Awesome." In our limited world travels we have found there is no higher praise possible for a video clip than that. We invite you to check it out.

Sincerely John F., TMBG

Less than 100 tickets remain for the early show at North Six on New Year's Eve. We will be performing the Best of Venue Songs as well as some other notable surprises, so come on out and get your free foam hand!

7pm show