
From This Might Be A Wiki
By: They Might Be Giants
Year: 2018

He's the kind of dog Who when presented with his heart's desire Will turn his nose away

He's the kind of dog Who sees a smiling friend and says "I need no smiling friend today"

He's a dog that made his money Selling troubled assets Now he spends his time staring at the door Staring at the door

He's vigilant, he's patient He cannot be dissuaded There's nothing more compelling Than staring at the door

She's the kind of dog Who knows the smell of victory But can't remember what it's called

She's the kind of dog Who builds a castle out of other people's things That she destroyed

She's a dog who wrote the book of love And then devoured it Now she's only staring at the door Staring at the door

She's tireless, she's attentive She will not be distracted The point of her existence Is staring at the door