Guitar Tab:Dog
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Dog |
By: They Might Be Giants |
Key: C Minor |
Year: 2018 |
Tabbed By: sapphirebullets |
**IMPORTANT NOTE** Since this song is in 31 Tone Equal Temperament, and Linnell does not play any... normal people chords, the notation system will rely on intervals rather than chords. The main quality of the chord (major/minor) is always named in the interval, it will just have a funky adjective describing it. Good luck soldiers [C sept. min 3rd (Septimal minor third starting from C)] He's the kind of dog Who when presented with his heart's desire Will turn his nose away [ lesser septimal tritone, with A as the top note, a slightly lower Eb as the Bottom. functions as a wonky F7 ] He's the kind of dog Who sees a smiling friend and says [C sept. min 3rd] "I need no smiling friend today" [F7 lesser septimal tritone] He's a dog that made his money Selling troubled assets [C sept. min 3rd] Now he spends his time staring at the door Staring at the door (... kind of? Chromatic walk up. Playing chromatic quarter tones (24 TET) sounds good enough.) [24 TET Walkup from C] He's vigilant, he's patient He cannot be dissuaded [F7 lesser septimal tritone] There's nothing more compelling [24 TET WalkDOWN] Than staring at the door G (normal G. a relief, I know.) Melodica Solo Chords: C sept. min third x4 [C sept. min third] She's the kind of dog Who knows the smell of victory But can't remember what it's called [F7 lesser septimal tritone] She's the kind of dog Who builds a castle out of other people's things [C sept. min third] That she destroyed [F7 lesser septimal tritone] She's a dog who wrote the book of love And then devoured it [C sept. min third] Now she's only staring at [24 TET walkup from C] the door [24 TET walkup from F] Staring at the door [24 TET walkup from C] She's tireless, she's attentive She will not be distracted [F lesser septimal tritone] The point of her existence [24 TET walkdown] Is staring at the door G C sept. min third |