From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | HAEC QVOQVE EST RES This is Also the Case |
artist | John Linnell |
releases | Roman Songs |
year | 2021 |
run time | 2:46 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- John Linnell spoke about this song in an interview with the Spectacular Vernacular podcast:
That actually is sort of specifically a pandemic vibe, that song - it's kind of about being paranoid about what's outside your front door. It was written during that period last spring [2020], a year ago, when everything in New York was utterly terrifying. There was just the sense of a catastrophic situation. Obviously that informed that particular one. I tried to mix it up, the other songs are not as topical, I guess.
- This song was released on streaming services alongside a lyric music video a few weeks ahead of the July 2, 2021 public release of Roman Songs. It was also included as an instant downloadable track with preorders of the EP.
- Video direction, illustration, and animation by David Plunkert / Spur Design.[1] Video production and editing by Raven Reyes / Spur Design.
Song Themes
Altered Voice, Language, Loneliness, Paranoia, Recursion, Title Not In Lyrics
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