Guitar Tab:Destination Moon

From This Might Be A Wiki
Destination Moon
By: They Might Be Giants
Key: F Major
Year: 1994
Tabbed By: E.M. and Oldpinebox
Riff 1a:  
 C       Bb  F/A  Gm  C
e: ----------------------
B: ----------------------
G: ----------------------
D: ----------------------
A: ------------------3---
E: 8-0-3-6---5---4-------

Riff 1b:
 C       Bb  F/A  Gm  F
e: ----------------------
B: ----------------------
G: ----------------------
D: ----------------------
A: ----------------------
E: 8-0-3-6---5---4---1---

F   Bb  
C   [Riff 1a]

F               Bb         
Don't bother to call this room
C       [Riff 1a]
There's nobody here who can pick up
F                             Bb       
Or who has stuff they need to talk about
         C           [Riff 1b]
And who won't be now checking out and flying

C         Bb     C
By rocket to the moon
By airplane to the rocket
By taxi to the airport
                     C   Bb
By front door to the taxi
   C        Bbadd9       F      Bb      C
By throwing back the blanket hanging down the legs

Thank you for the card with the cartoon nurse
But you see there's nothing wrong with me      
You think, that's what you think
That's what they all say before I blow you away

By rocket to the moon  
By airplane to the rocket
By taxi to the airport
By front door to the taxi
By throwing back the blanket hanging down the legs

D        Gm      Bb         C
Soon the man who sweeps the room
D          Gm     Bb  C
Brings the secret telegram
       Eb         Bb       Eb      C/Bb   C
"Commence Official Interplanetary Exploration"

Guitar Solo:

   D       Gm      Bb      C
e: --------------------------------
B: --------------------------------
G: ------------3---3-3-5-3-5-5-6-7-
D: 0---4-0-5-5---5-----------------
A: --------------------------------
E: --------------------------------

   D       Gm      Bb      C
e: --------------------------------
B: --------------------------------
G: ------------3---3-3-5-3-5---5---
D: 0---4-0-5-5---5-----------------
A: --------------------------------
E: --------------------------------                                 

Thank you for the card with the cartoon nurse
But you see there's nothing wrong with me       
You think, that's what you think
That's what they all say before I blow you away

By rocket to the moon 
By airplane to the rocket    
By taxi to the airport
By front door to the taxi
By throwing back the blanket hanging down the legs

By rocket to the moon  
Crawl to the rocket
By coughing at the airport
By limping to the taxi
  C        Bbadd9       F      Bb      C      C7        F
By throwing back the blanket hanging down the withered leg