Guitar Tab:Become A Robot

From This Might Be A Wiki
Become A Robot
By: They Might Be Giants
Key: G Major
Year: 1985
Tabbed By: AtionSong
F#, slide up to -> G

Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
Become a robot (clang clang) Clang clang whoops -- too late!
Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
Become a robot (clang clang) Clang clang whoops -- too late! 

Bb7                               C7     F7
Let's stick together 'cause we're number eight
A7                                  D7
Let's stick to numbers 'cause we're great 

F#, slide up to -> G

Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
                                         Gb6           G6
Become a robot (clang clang) Clang clang whoops -- too late! 

Bb7  C7  F7
A7   D7

Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
Harbor a deathwish (help help)
Help help help yourself
Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
Harbor a deathwish (help help)
Help help help yourself 

Hip hip horrific are the words we sing
Hip hip horrific is our thing 

Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't)
Become a robot (help help) Help help help help help help help...