First Album Medley

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name First Album Medley
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased
year 1997
first played February 2, 1997 (1 known performance)
run time 6:11
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell


  • Played a single time on the Idiot's Delight radio show on 2/2/97. Host Vince requested a medley of one song from each of their current albums, but John & John misunderstood and attempted to play a medley of every song from every album in the order they were released. Halfway through They realized this would take too long and just did the debut album.

Song Themes

Medleys, Self-Reference


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First Album Medley is currently ranked #245 out of 1030. (21 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.67)