Blender 1.1/Horoscopes

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These are transcripts of the video horoscopes featured on the Blender 1.1 CD-ROM.


JF: Aries. the passages of Jupiter and beams make this a lucky month for Aries and personal affairs. But you must be on your guard since self-doubt may arise from this month regarding work in relationships. This work is unnecessary, and you must be very careful, to prevent the self-doubt, from affecting, the outcomes, of situations that would be, positive, otherwise.


JL: Taurus! Taurus is very confident this month! But do not be deceived! This is not a great time to make any concrete decisions! About, either relationships, or business deals! You may think you are communicating with others! But instead, you are spending too much time, talking at them! talk to your inner child, before it's too late!


JF: Gemini. You've been under criticism these last few months. People have been complaining about you. But a conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter this month creates a feeling of air and peace, which makes you not care what other people say. You may experience a sudden loss in business, though no fault of your own, but this only temporary. Make sure to communicate with your coworkers. This will lead to a rapid repair of riffs.


JF: Cancer. For some time you've felt trapped, which has caused you to react strongly to most social situations. Finally this sense of frustration will help you pave the way, for a new project. since your originality is unusually heighten at the moment. Neptune, is in your first house. and cause you to be more compassionate, and sympathetic to others. Use these feelings, and the rewards, will be great.


JF: Leo. This is a bad time for Leo.... A very bad time. Since Saturn is in your house, and wrecking up your stuff, but your stark nature will help you focus your energy, to get through this trying time. Interactions with planets, are a bad idea. Try interactions with the opposite sex, which will be more rewarding. So, concentrate on your relationships, or if domestic, and social.


JF: Virgo. Relationships with women are particularly affected for you this month. These relationships have been more harmonious than usual, which will compel you to make minor adjustments in your personal life, and take care not to offend others with insensitivity. Putting this in junction with Neptune may dramatically change you attitudes, and beliefs this month. This will pave the way for massive social change, in your life.


JL: Libra. Moon and Pluto means you are keen to pursue relationships with new people. Be careful, since you are in danger of weakening existing bonds irrevocably. You are feeling, particularly insightful this month. So use this wisdom, and smooth over the many feathers you have ruffled today.


JL: Scorpio. You are in the mood for love this month, thanks to the conjunction of Venus, and Jupiter. Family matters will reign supreme this month for you. In particular, you may be compelled to strengthen ties with a father figure. The timing is right, so do it now. There will be many opportunities this month, to make new friends and expand one particular existing relationship. As long as you make the effort, good will come of this time period.


JL: Sagittarius! Your moods are very changeable this month! Don't bend over backwards to please someone! You must stand your ground! But please, be careful not to let this energy cause you to use others as a means to your own personal ends! Since there may be that danger lurking this month! A marriage your new birth in your family is predicted by the stars!


JF: Capricorn. Mercury's presence in your sign this month makes you quick witted and responsive. To some extent, you will feel drained of energy, and worried about finances. You might be compelled to spend a lot of money, at this time. Which would be a real bad idea. This will be an excellent time to heal domestic wounds you are responsible for. Take care of work but above all, invest more time with a loved one, who is feeling neglected.


JF: Aquarius. Mercury and Pluto will sharpen your mental reflexes this month. You will spend a good part of this dealing with finances still with moolah cash. So be practical, undertake a screen cleaning of matters both spiritual and domestic. Doing so will help you achieve your desire for more.... Personal freedom.


JL: Pisces. Mercury in your ascent it makes you very communicative this month. Use this, to sway others to your cause through clever arguments, are your methodically precise thinking. Lady luck is with financially this month. So start, paying off the debts you accrued, as opposed to your usual, procrastination. Finally life will be affected suddenly, by a momentous change. Someone may be leaving your life, in an undefined way. Beware of this, and take it, One day, at a time.


Playlist of all the horoscopes