Bed Bed Bed

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This page is for the song. For the book of the same name, see Bed, Bed, Bed (Book).
From the "No!" enhanced CD

song name Bed Bed Bed
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, No!, TMBG Clock Radio
year 2000
first played November 23, 2000 (154 known performances)
run time 3:12
sung by John Linnell


  • This song debuted on Dial-A-Song sometime between August and October 2000.
  • Sometimes when this song is played live, confetti is fired out of the twin cannons on stage into the audience as Linnell shouts the elongated "go!"
  • On a song-by-song guide of No! for its tenth anniversary, John and John said of this song and bedtimes:
When you get old enough it's fun to stay up late. Then when you're a teenager it's fun to stay up the whole night, and everything you and your friends talk about sounds more and more profound until you finally fall asleep in the bathtub or with your head in a wastebasket. Eventually you reach the age when going to bed at bedtime and falling asleep is one of the most exalted and prized activities imaginable.
  • This is the only interactive video on the album where Thomas Romer had no involvement in the graphics; they were instead done by Rob Reed of The Chopping Block, who later left the company to found his own graphic design company, One Trick Pony.

Song Themes

Animals, Clothes, Everything, Food, Friendship, Furniture, Music, Reading, Recycled Material, Sleep, Sports, Swing Feel, Telecommunication, Transportation


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Bed Bed Bed is currently ranked #601 out of 1016. (52 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.03)