And Mom And Kid

From This Might Be A Wiki
A Family Is a Family Is a Family video
Paul Sahre video

song name And Mom And Kid
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song (2015), Why?
year 2010
run time 1:20
sung by John Flansburgh


I got the call at 11 o’clock saying they need this thing, they need it really fast, they need to animate the open so the animators need the song yesterday; can you put together a demo they can make the animation to, and then go into the studio and do a finished version later? But the main thing was they needed something to cut to right now.

And I was like “Yeah, you know, I got a strong cup of coffee, I can hit that today.” So I did the demo and shipped it off at 5:15, and at 6 they said, “It’s fine, we like it just the way it is. We’re gonna use that.”
So something we worked on for literally less than 4 hours, and now it's on one of our albums, it's on TV. It did come out really cool, I like the way it sounds – it’s a very crazy kind of recording, and I’m glad we did it, but it was almost spontaneous.

  • This was the first They Might Be Giants song of 2010.
  • Features the toy piano.

Song Themes

Gender Issues, Relatives, TV And Movie Themes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png - From the HBO doc "A Family Is a Family Is a Family"
  • Watch it on Youtube.png - Dial-A-Song music video

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And Mom And Kid is currently ranked #899 out of 1034. (40 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.21)