Live!! New York City 10/14/94

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Live!! New York City 10/14/94 live album cover
Live!! New York City 10/14/94
Live album by They Might Be Giants
First released November 1994
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Tracks 26
Label Elektra <PRCD 9083-2> Length 56:03
CD art
John and John with Donna Donna in 1987


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Live!! New York City 10/14/94 is a promotional CD released by Elektra in November of 1994. It was recorded from the concert on October 14, 1994 at Sony Music Studios, and produced by Pat Dillett. An EP containing six tracks was included as a bonus disc with Australian releases of John Henry. Neither album is still commercially available; some of the songs were available on TMBG Clock Radio's FM Band prior to the end of that service.

Track listing[edit]

  • Introduction (0:41)
Donna: "Good evening, Giants fans large and small. I'm Donna Donna. We take you now to Sony Music Studios in New York City where Brooklyn's Ambassadors of Love, They Might Be Giants, are about to perform."
# Title Length  Lyrics Guitar Tab
2 O, Do Not Forsake Me 2:23


3 Don't Let's Start 2:42


4 AKA Driver 3:06



  • "We'll Be Right Back" (0:18)
Donna: "We'll be right back with more They Might Be Giants live at Sony Music Studios in New York City"
  • "Welcome Back" (0:15)
Donna: "Welcome back. Once again, They Might Be Giants."
# Title Length  Lyrics Guitar Tab
7 Why Does The Sun Shine? 2:37


8 Purple Toupee 2:48


9 Sleeping In The Flowers 4:16


10 Chess Piece Face 1:40


11 Particle Man 2:17


12 She's An Angel 2:57


13 The Statue Got Me High 3:29



  • Band Intros (2:56)
Flansburgh: "There comes a time to introduce the band. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you, direct from upstate New York, on the trombone, give a warm round of applause to Mr. Randy Andos. Thank you Randy. Ladies, we have a special treat. Direct from the Vatican, on the trumpet, father Jim O'Connor, give it up. Thank you Jim. Directly to my right, born in a graveyard, raised in a garage, Mr. Tony "More Money More Money Man" Maimone from Cleveland, Ohio. Thank you Tony. Sitting directly behind me, from Jersey City, New Jersey, the man we like to call "Sir", give a warm round of applause to Mr. Brian Doherty. Thank you Brian. I'm John, he's John, we're They Might Be Giants. Thank you all for coming to the show. Thank you very much."
# Title Length  Lyrics Guitar Tab
15 Whistling In The Dark 2:39


16 Ana Ng 3:20



  • "We'll Be Right Back" (0:22)
Donna: "They're dancing in the aisles here at the Sony Music Studios in New York City. And we'll be back with more They Might Be Giants live right after this."
  • "Welcome Back" (0:19)
Donna: "Once again, ladies and gentlemen, They Might Be Giants."
Linnell: "Welcome back. Our friends at the studio, our friends at home."
# Title Length  Lyrics Guitar Tab
19 Turn Around 3:07


20 I Palindrome I 2:38


21 Birdhouse In Your Soul 3:16


22 Snail Shell 3:12


23 Twistin' 2:27


24 Dig My Grave 1:23



  • Goodnight (0:39)
Donna: "The crowd goes wild. The love is flowing freely here at the Sony Music Studios in New York City as a fabulous evening of music and fun, starring They Might Be Giants, winds down. Look for They Might Be Giants and their band on tour in your town this fall. And get their new Elektra album, John Henry, in stores now. Thanks for joining us. Good night everybody."
  • Cepastat Spot (0:05)
Cepastat Rep: "They Might Be Giants Live in New York City brought to you by Cepastat."