Talk:The Parents

From This Might Be A Wiki

While it's certainly possible – probable even – I hope that Dr. Zenos M. Linnell isn't John's father as he seems to have gotten himself into a spot of trouble in 1996 by canoodling with one of his patients (though it does seem to fit with the stories about his parents being unhappy). — zytka

I can't see how a guy could be blamed if his father did something embarrassing. I also think the statute in question covers other medical misbehaviors, such as over-prescription of drugs, so one can't be sure of the source of the trouble.

I retract the doubt I had about posting generally available info on the Linnell family after this. :P

I'm not sure if anyone cares, but here is a school that Earl Flansburgh has renovated. I just find it kind of interesting...

I'm thinking this is a pic of Flans's dad. [1] Actually, I'm positive. Too bad it's so small and fuzzy though.