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They Might Be Giants
— with Fred Frith opening —
The Village Gate in New York, NY
September 25, 1987 at 9:00 PM

Fan Recaps and Comments:

Part of a four Friday night show series that lasted from September to October. These shows were advertised on the Frank O'Toole Show and on Dial-A-Song. Tickets were $10.

Preview of the show from the Daily News, Sept. 15, 1987

For the first time since the Ramones/Patti Smith shows of 1976, rock 'n' roll is coming back to the Village Gate. For the next four Friday nights, the folky, quirky and often downright intriguing band They Might Be Giants will be headlining 9.p.m. and 1.a.m. shows. There will be a different opening act each week, beginning with the Ordinaires this week and continuing with Fred Frith next week. They Might Be Giants has been a favorite of K-Rock DJ Vin Scelsa for some time, and their song "Don't Let's Start" was second behind U2 for a while earlier this year on WLIR. They Might Be Giants also is noted for starting one of the country's first rock band Dial-A-Song services, at 718-387-6962. Calls have been recorded from as far away as Japan. Which is pretty far away.

Preview of the show from the New Yorker, Sept. 28, 1987:

Music from nine-thirty Fridays in the basement have been given over to THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS, a duo whose rock-and-roll shoes (as one of their songs say) are "laced with irony." Experimental guitarist FRED FRITH opens for them on Sept. 25, and a performance group called Watchface precedes them on Oct. 2. Shows at nine and midnight.