Talk:Whence That Wince

From This Might Be A Wiki

Anyone else think this sounds like "Cecil" singing? — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 08:41, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

Maybe not the same altered voice as on the podcasts, but Flansy definately does not sing that low normally.-- 00:04, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

First of '07

This is the first TMBG song of the new year. Is that "trivia" worthy? -Cronny

I think that's nicely trivia worthy, if you want my opinion. Although I may not be the most qualified to make that decision. -Gannabel Grey

Whence That I Wince

Just noticed on the TMBG myspace that they call this song "Whence That I Wince." Probably what it's really called... -Cronny

Nope, Google "Whence That Whince" and then "Whence That I Wince". ;) -CapitalQtalk ♪ 20:03, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, and it's "Whence That Wince" in the new newsletter, too -Cronny

Trophy Heads?

What in the heck does taxidermy have to do with the lyrics? The video is so charming, but I feel I am missing something? --Christina 16:45, 18 October 2007 (UTC)

What does not-let's-starting have to do with men wearing tall hats and pipes? If it's avant-garde, it doesn't need a relation to the lyrics! ~ magbatz 01:12, 21 March 2008 (UTC)
I don't know why, but this video annoys me on a deep level for absolutely no reason at all. Maybe not the video alone, but when accompanied by the music, it's so irritating, and I feel really bad about saying this. -- DidgeGuy (आ ज) 01:05, 26 May 2010 (UTC)