Talk:The Meeting Song
From This Might Be A Wiki
Well, I was going to start transcribing the musical from a sound board recording I have of one of the shows, but if I'm only going to get 'wtf?' and no other explanation, I guess I won't then.
- Yeah, it's from People Are Wrong... luckily we have the power of "Restore". Sorry for the rudeness, it's just we have a lot of nonsense spam, and the PAW! songs aren't so well-known. Xanthus save us all! ~ magbatz 20:24, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
It's alright. I sort of expected a message asking where I got it and how I could have the lyrics, but not an automatic deletion with no reason. Happens though.
I was in the wrong too. I didn't realize nothing was setup and I needed to start the page from scrap. I apologize for sounding kinda whiny too, bad day. :) --Kenishi72 00:52, 14 September 2009 (UTC)