Talk:TMBG's Other Thing

From This Might Be A Wiki

To anybody that might know....

Did the Other Thing include Dan Miller and Danny Weinkauf? Or any form of bass/guitar players that wasn't Flansy? -- Jason DeLima - ! - 17:14, 28 May 2010 (UTC)

Pretty sure I remember Danny, and I know for sure Miller was there cos we went to get a picture and he was like "Marty has to be in it too!" and we were like "Who the hell is Marty?" (he had just started playing with them for this and wasn't officially in the band yet). --Self Called Nowhere 18:53, 28 May 2010 (UTC)


Who else is playing with the Other Thing? There's saxes (baritone in Dirt Bike, [tenor?] in Mr. Me) and clarinet(? is that just high-register) (on Boat Of Car) on these recordings. There's overdubs, it seems, so it /could/ be Linnell, but... is it?? Do we have credits on any of the new releases?