Talk:Song Rating Breakdown

From This Might Be A Wiki

Two suggestions: 1: have it link back to the name of the song (or at least change the color so as not to be misleading), and 2: have a simple link to the main song-vote-thing-table page. If that's doable-- what with the weird <songRatingBreakdown> tag. ~ magbatz

One day after The Cap'm gets to the #1 spot on votes, 14 non-registered users voted for it, making it drop to 97. I call bullshit.--Richegreen 21:44, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

It had 20 votes total yesterday, and it has 25 total votes today. That means only five people have voted for it between yesterday and today (not 14). When a song only has 20 or so votes, it's easy for its average to shift drastically under the weight of a few very different votes. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 22:03, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
I also review all votes manually, to make sure that there's no ballot-stuffing going on. I can definitely tell you that there's nothing unusual going on with that song. --Duke33 23:00, 20 February 2007 (UTC)