Talk:Jackie The Clipper

From This Might Be A Wiki

How did this not make the album

A great song with clever lyrics the music (and perhaps even the humour) shows the influence of late 70s Uk artists Squeeze and Elvis Costello. Really well sung (I can even forgive the chopped guitar chords). There must be an interesting story as to why this song didn't make the cut for the recent album. Great vocal, one hopes it turns up on a compilation release at some point in the future. (Mr Tuck)

It didn't make the album because it was specifically written as a character song for TMBG's "Escape Team" project, which will have a CD and download release in late 2018. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 19:04, 9 February 2018 (EST)
I just have to chuckle that even when providing a compliment, Mr Tuck can't help but include some little jabs at the band's judgment (title of the section, well-intended though a little ignorant, even for the time) and musical choices ("forgive the chopped guitar chords"). Will this band ever fully satisfy him again?? ;-) --MisterMe (talk) 14:28, 19 May 2020 (EDT)