People Are Wrong! (Promo)

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People Are Wrong! soundtrack cover
People Are Wrong!
Soundtrack by People Are Wrong!
First released September 2002
Release details / collectors: Show | Hide
Tracks 10
Label Sidesaddle Recordings <101> Length 22:27
Back cover of the CD case


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Track List

# Title Length  Lyrics Guitar Tab
1 I Know What I Saw 1:09 
2 Dimension Six Rock 2:15  N/A
3 Ponytail 2:46  N/A
4 At The Agway 1:14 
5 The Gravel's Coming With Us 3:14 
6 Boomerang 1:48  N/A
7 Healer's Lament 2:08  N/A
8 Dear Old Plants 2:54  N/A
9 Car Alarms 1:37 
10 Xanthus Saves 3:20