Linking Policy

From This Might Be A Wiki

This page outlines the policy for providing external links to content.

In light of recent events, we here at want to remind everyone that They Might Be Giants offer the TMBG Clock Radio and free Mp3s to their audience out of respect and love for their support. Please do not take their stuff and disseminate it in ways that will only crush their spirit of generosity. Do not feel compelled to overthink this. Enjoy the music in the spirit and the form it was given. It's a gift to you-not content to be exploited. Sincerely-the staff of" Our policy at is to not discuss any methods of exploiting TMBG's music services, such as TMBG Clock Radio.
  • The term media is defined as a file or datastream containing recorded audio or video. Examples of media are: mp3, swf, mov, qt, rm, ram, avi, mpg, etc.
  • Obtain permission before posting a direct link to media at a fan-based site. If permission is not granted, mention that the media is available at the site and provide the site's main address.
  • Please do not link to MP3s of copyrighted TMBG material without discussing them first, unless it is being served from a corporate website that has authorization to serve that content. (IE - linking to free downloads at, etc.)

Failure to abide by these simple rules may result in your IP/userid getting banned, so please use your common sense. If you have questions about our linking policy, please Contact Us.

See also