Interpretations:We Live In A Dump (Demo)

From This Might Be A Wiki

The part about the monkeys typing away is probably a reference to the thing about an infinite number of monkeys, given a infinite amount of time, recreating the entire works of Shakespere. -BriGuyD

I took it more to refer to his coworkers at work. You know, the whole "I work with a bunch of monkeys" routine. Could be a little of both. --Salt-Man Z 23:47, 6 Apr 2006 (CDT)
Maybe he works with an infinite number of monkeys? -BriGuyD

The World Sucks

The idea that monkeys will eventually write the works of Shakespeare leads us to believe that given time, order is derived from chaos. Linnell says that's false: that life sucks and that's that. -Andy!