Category talk:Interpretations

From This Might Be A Wiki

Interpretations: Dallas is found under the letter 'T', as if it were once Interpretations: Trees and later renamed, but not moved.

I couldn't figure out how to move it myself... (Heath) 21:20, 14 May 2005 (EDT)

I Laugh At You

Won't we all be laughing when, in 10 years, TMBG reveals that none of their songs are about anything? Sure, it's fun to pick apart and analyze every word in a song, but it detracts from the enjoyment of the song (for me). Till My Head Falls Off used to be my favorite song, until I read about its suicidal undertones. I can't listen to it anymore without thinking of some guy killing himself. So, wiki-ers: just listen to the music and ENJOY IT! -Destination Moon (NOT SIGNED IN)