Chicken And Ice Cream

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Music video for "Chicken And Ice Cream"
"インド カレー アイス"!

song name Chicken and Ice Cream
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Podcast 41
year 2010
run time 0:23
sung by John Flansburgh


  • A short, odd song that premiered on YouTube on April 19, 2010 accompanied by one of John Flansburgh's many iMovie slideshow videos released in the year. The video was taken down after just 10 days. However, the audio resurfaced almost exactly one year later on Podcast 41, and the music video was restored to YouTube by a fan in 2013.
  • The description on the video's page on YouTube read, "TMBGの日本の友人へ。いずれそのうちーーチキンアイスクリームも!" which translates roughly to "To TMBG's Japanese friends. One of these days - chicken ice cream!"
  • This song is referenced in the description of the official music video for Nixon's The One.

Song Themes

Altered Voice, Animals, Food, Time


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Chicken And Ice Cream is currently ranked #702 out of 1035. (21 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.84)