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Revision as of 12:45, 2 July 2008 by Zeppyfish (talk | contribs)

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TMBW Userboxes
INT This user has written the following song interpretations.

Globe.png This user lives in
Mount Vernon, WA.

Fm45.png This user has a page.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 1987.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Hi. I'm Paul, a.k.a. Zickler, a.k.a. zeppyfish. I used to post on the old, way back in the day. I've seen TMBG live several times, although not as many as I'd like. I've gotten a few autographs after shows, so I guess technically I've "met" both Johns, as well as all three Dans, and Marty. Nice guys.

<a href="">Which They Might Be Giants album are you?</a>