
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2023-24.

Globe.png This user lives in
Sydney, Australia.

PinkAlbum.png This user's favorite album is Pink Album.
FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is We're the Replacements.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

WEB This user has a website.

Hello! I'm RoboNerd, You can call me Ben, though. I live in Sydney, Australia, and my B-Day falls on July 30th. I've only fallen into this deep, dark pit called "the TMBG Fandom" quite recently, but thankfully, that was just a couple of months before The band was coming to MY City! So I saw them live! More specifically, on October 5, at the City Recital Hall, It was a great time! I discovered They Might Be Giants through Cartoon Network, with their work on that Courage bumper. I actually became a fan of them through Homestar Runner, with the short "Experimental Film". I'm just here on this TMBG Wikipedia Knockoff because I can! So, that's the basics 'bout me, and, I, am really bored.