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tmbg newspaper archive

in 2020/21 there were some lockdowns & i needed something to do. i dont remember why but i decided to start saving all old newspaper articles about tmbg i could find. always intended to share this hoard but i couldnt figure out a cool way. ive decided to just dump it here so its atleast out in the world and people might stumble on it.

everythings sorted chronologically with this title format: year-month-day_publication_-_description
ive done an OCR thing as well, so theres pdf and txt files that you can easily search

in the early 2000s interviews started moving off print media and onto the internet, so this collection is mostly pre-2000 stuff. this is in no way a definitive archive, new newspapers are digitised every day & im not tracking it too close. but i figure this has got to be a majority of whats out there.

check it out :) :) :)