Talk:The Mexican Drill

From This Might Be A Wiki

I am not sure that the Peter Fonda reference is for the 1964 movie The Victors. Peter, and more so, Jane Fonda were indeed out in the forefront of anit-war demonstrations and rallies during the Vietnam War, but I think that it is also a reference to more recent activities involving the War In Iraq and the War on Terror in general. TMBG has seemed to involve this more and more in their songwriting lately, with the ringtones and other podcast released songs. Peter and Jane Fonda were part of a whole bunch of very visible and popular pop culture figures that spoke out against the war in Vietnam and are now speaking out against the War in Iraq. I can't help but feel that TMBG would release this song now with only a fleeting reference to a past war. The Fondas and others in the entertainment industry have also had several rallies and conferences in New York and TMBG's home turf of Brooklyn. They may or may not have attended, but I'm sure they're aware of them. I am sure we'll hear more about Peter's feelings about the War when he does his promo tour for the movie Ghost Rider. Krueger 03:31, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

The music sounds like a really really stripped down version of the B-52's Strobe Light. -J2

The newsletter and TMBG's myspace page both link the song to a segment of NPR. "Police in Paris recently discovered a movie theater in an uncharted underground cavern near the Eiffel Tower, part of 200 miles of ancient tunnels and quarries below the city's streets. Most of Paris' catacombs are off limits, but cinephiles say they've been celebrating movies underground for decades. Eleanor Beardsley reports." Judging by that, I assume it probably is referring to some movie.