TMBG Web Space going official

From This Might Be A Wiki

This message was posted by Bo Orloff in in October 1995 announcing the creation of the official They Might Be Giants web site,, and calling for staff.

Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 16:24:42 -0700
From: (Bo Orloff)
Subject: TMBG Web Space going official! Intern(s) wanted.
Organization: Mr. Z's House of Discount Wub-Fur 'n' Stuff

Greetings all...

After a year and a half as TMBG's unofficial home on the World Wide Web,
Wub-Fur Internet Enterprise's TMBG WWW space is going official. We're
planning lots of new pages (& improvements to existing ones) including
online versions of the TMBG Info Club's newsletter & catalog, new
Dial-A-Songs online, etc. We've also registered our own domain, so when we
open the new official site the URL will simply be: <>
(this URL will work right now, but there's nothing there yet except a cool
picture of Colleen's Doc Martens with "TMBG" painted on them and a link to
the unofficial site).

Now all this expansion and improvement of the site is going to mean a lot
of work for yours truly, so I'm looking for some help. If you live in the
SF Bay area (within commuting distance of Berkeley), have skills useful in
the creation of web sites and some spare time to devote to the project
please drop me an email with a brief outline of your abilities/experience
and your phone number. I'm especially interested in people with ADVANCED
html and cgi writing abilities (design skills/artistic ability and access
to a good color scanner would also be welcome). I can't afford to pay real
money, but I can promise some free TMBG merchandise and a spot on the
guest list the next time the Giants come to San Francisco.

Also- one of the new pages I'm planning is a TMBG fan art gallery. If
you've done some TMBG-inspired art that you'd like to see on the Web email
a gif or jpeg of it (72 dpi & no more than 1 meg please) to me at:

Bo Orloff