TMBG Info Club Archive/Winter 1993

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TMBG Information Bulletin

Winter 1993

LIVE FROM THE MOUNTAIN STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA... TMBG's performance of "Particle Man" on American Public Radio's Charleston, WV-based live concert program Mountain Stage last August is included on THE BEST OF MOUNTAIN STAGE Volume 5, scheduled to be released by Blue Plate Music this spring. Amazingly, this is the first time a live TMBG song has ever been commercially released. The album also features a track from Giants' bassist Tony Maimone's other band, Pere Ubu, as well as a bunch of other cool music, so check it out...

IF YOU LIVE IN THE NORTHEASTERN U.S. you'll want to keep a sharp eye out this spring. TMBG and the band will be playing a small number of live shows at colleges and other locations there during the last two weeks of April.

THINGS THAT MAKE US FEEL OLD. In January John and John and 20 or 30 of their friends and associates celebrated the 10th anniversary of They Might Be Giants at a potluck dinner hosted by one of their Williamsburgh neighbors. It's really hard to believe that TMBG have been making music for a decade!

THEY MIGHT BE CYBERPUNKS? Folks with access to an Internet electronic mail account will no doubt want to know that there is a TMBG Internet mailing list, which can be subscribed to by sending e-mail with the subject line 'subscribe digest' addressed to ''. If you've also got Usenet NetNews access, be sure to check out the newsgroup ''. If you don't have Internet access, but do have a computer and a modem you might want to check out the TMBG message topics to be found on online services Prodigy, GEnie and America Online. (If none of this makes any sense to you consult the nearest computer expert).

ADMINISTRATRIVIA DEPARTMENT. The astute amongst you will have already noticed that the TMBG Post Office Box number has changed from 110553 to 110535. Please address all future correspondence accordingly. (Why ask why? Just do it!) As usual, please keep us up to date on your address changes and keep those cards and letters coming...