Somebody Stole My Hairstyle
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Somebody Stole My Hairstyle |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Unreleased |
year | 1998 |
first played | October 8, 1998 (4 known performances) |
run time | ![]() and therefore has no definitive run time. |
sung by | John Linnell |
- This odd little song was played during the "Spy" improv bit. It's similar to "Somebody Took My Eyeball", "I've Got A Withered Arm", and "I Can't Feel My Arm".
- Of the 4 known performances, the "somebody" referenced has been Pierre Salinger twice and Trent Lott and Harvey Colvin once who were all U.S. senators.
Song Themes
Altered Voice, Hair, People (Real)
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