
From This Might Be A Wiki
2 wikians attended: ElfLady Gigantic in sj

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We do not have a setlist for this show. If you have one, please add it! Thank you.

Fan Recaps and Comments:

Tickets were $13.50 for students, $17 for non-students. Concert was held at Shriver Hall with reserved seating.

Review by Bonnie:

This is the very first TMBG concert I attended, and it's the one and only time I ever saw TMBG in an auditorium with seats. Shriver Hall is not a big auditorium. It's at one end of the main quad at Johns Hopkins University.

I wasn't too impressed with Throwing Muses. They seemed like a quiet act, and I was wondering whether TMBG was going to as subdued. That definitely wasn't the case! We were on our feet the entire time.

The show was supporting their album "John Henry." The highlight for me was the conga line that snaked through the aisles during "No One Knows My Plan."