
From This Might Be A Wiki
1 wikians attended: Zephir

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Setlist: (Incomplete!)

Fan Recaps and Comments:

Now it can be said. I was a crazy teen on a trip to new york with my mom (also a fan) and we rode a train and made it to the show just in time for the giants' set. During spy, they did an extended, conducted by linnell, single notes progression thingy. I really loved it. Later, as we were stranded, their incredibly cool tour manager Mike gave us a ride back to the city in the van. When I mentioned how much I enjoyed the extended spy bit, Mike said that yeah, there was some yahoo in the audience yelling at them to play some music instead, and so john really wanted to ram it down that guy's throat. I laughed and said yeah, I was right next to that guy. But that was a lie. I was totally that guy. In my defense, I was a dumb teenager. AND, they ended up making it more fun and I loved it. But man was I embarrassed. -zephir