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Setlist: (Incomplete!)
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Setlist: (Incomplete!)
They Might Be Giants
PowerHaus in London, UK
March 8, 1990
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Admission was £5.
Mention of the show in Zany? Oh, pur-lease... by Adrian Deevoy
Q, May, 1990:
Unlike many tinkly-bonk bedroom musicians, They Might Be Giants play live with convincing attack. Driven by the indelicate pounding of a low-budget drum machine, Flansburgh careers about the stage wringing both fuzz-tone hardcore riffs and disfigured country chops from his electric guitar while Linnell remains stock still, wrestling alternately with an accordion and what appears to be the offspring of a saxophone and a digeridoo. When they entertained the good people of London last month, they opted for intimacy above income and -- despite ticket demand of nearly 2,500 -- played the 750-capacity Powerhaus in Islington.On stage, They Might Be Giants are a sweatily energetic and distinctly American affair, closer in spirit, John Flansburgh believes, to The Ramones than the cosy English whimsy of The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, to whom they are often, if a little lazily, compared.