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They Might Be Giants
The Village Gate in New York, NY
February 2, 1990 at 8:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Tickets were $15.
Preview of the show from the New Yorker, Feb. 5, 1990:
THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS perform Feb. 2-3. The Giants are John Flansburgh and John Linnell, two young men from Lincoln, Massachusetts, who apparently didn't get out of the house enough. The two Johns make pop music that is tricky, clever and brainy to the hilt, and that can leave the customer feeling giddy and word-sated. They're prolific, too—their repertoire comprises scores of songs, some of which can be heard on their latest album, "Flood."
"Play-Doh Parables" by Rosemary Passantino
The Village Voice, Feb. 13, 1990:
Subteens tottering in the aisles, babies rocking on the hips of adults wearing fezzes—last Friday They Might Be Giants transformed the Village Gate into a toddler high-way. Jouncing before three metronomes that clucked from atop faux roman columns, Johns Flansburgh and Linnell merrily pumped forth their Play-Doh parables of love, employment, and other shaky conditions. Like a coil-legged playground animal, his nerd glasses fastened by thick black elastic, Flansburgh banged his guitar against the mike stand and the floor, flashing squalls of embryonic Hendrix between Crayola chords. Linnell, alternating a hormone-fractured boy voice with bass tones of authority, smiled glibly, as though a girl he had liked for a long time had finally admitted he was cute, and so now he believed it. And why not? With his wavy forelock bobbing and an accordion snaking between his arms, he was.