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They Might Be Giants
— with The Cowpokes opening —
Idols in Rochester, NY
October 21, 1988 at 12:00 AM

Fan Recaps and Comments:

All-ages show, tickets were $8 for ages over 21, and $9 for those underage.

They Might Be Giants - Idol's - Oct. 21
Preview of the show in Freetime Magazine, Oct. 19, 1988:

New York's They Might Be Giants, named Best Rock Band on an independent label at the 1988 New York Music Awards, have released their second album, "Lincoln," on Bar/None (Distributed through Restless/Enigma). Their first LP, which received rave reviews, sold over 1000,000 copies and their EP over 300,000 copies in the U.S. alone. The general public, however, is just beginning to catch on although MTV has given extensive play to their videos "Put Your Head Inside the Puppet Head" and "Don't Let's Start."

John Flansburgh (the one with the glasses) and John Linnell (the other one) are "They Might Be Giants." They originally met in grammar school in the suburbs outside Boston, but they didn't get together musically until they both moved into the same Brooklyn apartment building on the same day. Having written over 300 songs and finding themselves without an outlet, Flansburgh and Linnell instituted their Dial-A-Song service, enabling fans to call and hear a new tune every day or two and resulting in their contract with Bar/None.

Their music ranges from the silly to the pointed, presented in very pop melodies and sometimes quircky instrumentation.

Preview of the show from Reporter, Oct. 21, 1988:

It's Friday night and you're saying, "What the heck am I going to do?" Well, as luck would have it, They Might Be Giants are in town tonight.

Appearing here last spring at Idols to a surprise sellout crowd, TMBG delighted all in attendance with their unusual subject matter, polka rhythms, accordions and general silliness. Known for hits like "She Was A Hotel Detective," "Kiss Me, Son Of God," and of course the mega-blockbuster, "Don't Let's Start," they have a new album out entitled Lincoln; the potential is there for several hits.

Opening the show for TMBG is Rochester's own Cowpokes. The Cowpokes have just finished recording their debut album on Circularphile Records, and it is due to be released at the end of November. The Cowpokes, with a multitude of influences, play somewhat atypical rock 'n' roll with a twist. The show starts at 11 p.m. with the Cowpokes, and then They Might Be Giants come on after midnight. The show is $8 for those over 21 years of age, and $9 for those underage. Idols is located at 88 Liberty Pole Way, downtown. So, if you have nothing to do tonight, grab some friends and go to Idols for They Might Be Giants and The Cowpokes.