
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Setlist: (incomplete)

From Arbeiderbladet: John (left) and John in They Might Be Giants, bigger than they look. (Photo by Steinar Buholm)

Fan Recaps and Comments:

The photo from this show, taken by Steiner Buholm for Arbeiderbladet in 1987, would become a promotional photo used by Bar/None. A copy of this photo is currently stored in the special collections of UMKC.

Preview of the show from Arbeiderbladet, Dec. 5, 1987:

They Might Be Giants is the name of the duo who are playing in Sardine's in Oslo tonight. This must be one of the new exciting names from New York. The duo is compared by some to Timbuk 3 from Austin, Texas. The two musicians are very productive and not least original. They made a large number of songs. The duo has set up a telephone music system at home in New York. If you call their number, you will want to hear a loud song every day. They Might Be Giants will also have a fun stage show. Many critics believe that this duo will really become big.

From an article on the band by Marit Nielsen
Arbeiderbladet, Dec. 9, 1987:

Whether the two Johns got their energy from punk or not, they had incredible amounts in store when they played at Sardine's last Sunday. The few who were lucky enough to be there ended up screaming and yelling up in front of the stage, while John (Flansburgh) jumped around and lobbed the guitar and wooden stick respectively with deathly contempt. Rhythms and bass laid on tape, while John (Linnell) pulled sounds out of accordion and sax. All the while they hum and sing catchily and pain seems to still bounce around in their heads long afterwards.