Mailing List Archive/2022-09-14
From This Might Be A Wiki
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MORE SHOWS!10/8/22 Leesburg VA
4/12/23 San Diego CA
4/15/23 San Francisco CA
And who could forget!
5/20/23 Houston TX -

To the 40,000+ of you coming to our Flood shows: please remember to wear a mask when we get together. A quality mask (N95, KN95 or KF94) is a proven effective barrier to COVID and long-haul COVID, both of which are still very much with us.
These shows have been a long time coming for all, and band member John F. is still recovering from a major injury. Our commitment to these shows is TOTAL, so we are making a small request to toss on a mask for the couple of hours we are together. This request is not out of panic, or something that is so hard to accomplish. We simply need to be cautious. It’s a nice thing to do.

These are “Evening With” shows with no opener. We plan to be on stage about an hour after the door times. YES, almost all these shows are Flood shows, and some will include songs from Mink Car. The horns will join us on most of them, and Mark Pender will be on the trumpet for all.

Yes, we will have a whole lot of them to give away for these upcoming shows, and one will also be waiting for anyone who buys some merch.

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