Mailing List Archive/2022-06-09a
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hey Everybody,
John L. here. Last night's show was amazing and it was so wonderful to finally be back up on stage and playing for all of you again. It was a joy.
Unfortunately, Mr. John Flansburgh was in a rather serious car accident on his way home from the gig. The initial report is that he has seven broken ribs, several of which have multiple fractures. The good news is that no vital organs were involved and the long-term prognosis seems positive. Of course, there will be a lengthy recovery process.
Sadly, we are going to have to postpone the rest of the June tour dates once more. We will return with more details on all of that in due time. For now, we are hopeful that the late summer dates beginning August 30th will be able to continue as planned.
Please send your healing rays to Flans, drive safely, and we look forward to seeing everyone as soon as possible.
John Linnell

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