Mailing List Archive/2022-06-03
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hey everybody! They Might Be Giants has a favor to ask.
We are about to start doing shows. Friends have asked how I feel about going out in public and, to be candid, my response has been “very excited and vaguely terrified.” In just the last few months a good friend of mine has just come down with long COVID and it has served as a vivid reminder that this situation is not over.
I know it’s a chore, but this request really is a small one: please wear a mask when you come to our show. A quality mask (N95, KN95 or KN94) is a proven effective barrier to COVID transmission.
We have all waited a long time for this, and our team has worked tirelessly to keep these shows on the books. It would be super-unfortunate for it all to be leading to infections for anyone — you, the band, the crew — all of us.
And if you really want to be of service for public health, bring a spare fresh one for your spacey friend or a spacey stranger.
On a lighter note, we have a new item at the t-shirt stand: the THEY crown. Designed by Paul Sahre and ready to be worn with pride at the show, it is the crown you need. Because it is priceless, we are dispensing them as a bonus when you get any other merch item (note: there are less than 2000 copies of the book of BOOK so that’s going to be an official rarity in about a year).
And on a free note, here is another rarity: our version of Particle Man, recorded quite spontaneously at the legendary Nola Studios a while back.

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