Mailing List Archive/2022-04-29
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GREETINGS FROM NEW YORK CITY. JOHN F. HERE.Working on so many things right now –– bringing a ton of new vinyl into the world and tracking down master tapes and artwork that seem to have been scattered to the winds decades ago.
Also coming up are our first shows since everything stopped a couple of years back. This June run on the East Coast will include the Tricerachops Horns, so calibrate your expectations for WOODWINDS and BRASS. There is a complete calendar of our upcoming shows (including special decoder info on which shows are rescheduled from when) at the bottom of this email. The general news is this –– they are all SOLD OUT except Austin (teetering on being sold out), Houston, and Tulsa (probably selling out as you read this). We are looking to add a couple of shows on the West Coast and hope to open up the MassMOCA show to a bigger stage/outdoor space –– WATCH THIS SPACE.

For many years They Might Be Giants’ front-of-the-bus political arguments have been inspired by the informed discussions on the Slate Political Gabfest with David Plotz, Emily Bazelon (aka EBaz), and John Dickerson. It’s a podcast that we always enjoy, so we are super proud to announce we have recorded a new theme for the show called GAB ON!
Catch the show here
Check out our theme in its entirety here on YouTube:

Listen to this show from 2017 (and what seems like two lifetimes ago) where John, Marty, and I made a guest appearance:

Ships IMMEDIATELY. Quantities are LIMITED.
Yes it’s really here –– the Lincoln album cover in full wraparound format. Regular retail is $60, but with the discount code COWTOWN you get yours for JUST $49. After the nutso success of our first “all-over print” shirt*, we are back with this second design. We have no idea how long these will stay in stock, but if the past is prologue*, these guys might not be around for too too long.
*Yes, we are looking to make another run of the first album design (the first run sold out in a couple of days) but our new product runway is stacked up!

Lincoln is now, once again, available on vinyl. This is truly an audiophile effort with the album remastered by UE Nastasi from Sterling sound and pressed on 180-gram vinyl in TRANSPARENT RED. For the Snopes readers out there, we can assure you that unlike the children’s records on colored vinyl of the 1960s, these discs are full fidelity and will hold up to repeated listening long into the next century, GUARANTEED. Each disc also arrives with a download card with a code to the remastered audio.This has been a labor of love, and it is very exciting to have the opportunity to get this piece of TMBG history back on wax in a package worthy of its legacy. We know you will enjoy it.

It’s real. It’s here. If you want/need one go to

Asbury Park Live is here. They Might Be Giants return to the Jersey Shore to unleash their singular brand of musical entertainment. With a most varied set list, from hits to true rarities, this magnificently recorded live set is 110 minutes of pure rock, except for all the chit chat in between.

For tickets to available shows and to find out about new bookings, go to

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